Todd Elementary Blast - 8/11/22
Todd Elementary News
Welcome back Toucans!
Please see attached bell schedule for the school hours.
Early Release Wednesday will begin 8/17 for TK and 1st - 6th Grades.
Kinder students will be on a modified schedule, 8:15am-12:02pm, from 8/9/22-8/22/22. Their full day schedule will begin on 8/23/22. TK will remain a 1/2 day program.
Elementary Band
Our 5th & 6th Grade students will have the opportunity to join our Elementary band program for the 22-23 school year. There will be a recruitment assembly during school on Monday, 8/15. Please see attached flyer for more details.
Band Recruitment Flier.docx
Child Nutrition Services
All school meals will be free for enrolled students throughout the 2022/2023 School year. Please see attached flyer from our Child Nutrition Services Department in regards to meal applications.
Child Nutrition Meal Applications.pdf
Teacher Classroom Supplies
Supply lists have been added to our Todd Elementary website. You can find your students supply list under the Academics section at the top of our home page and then select their grade level.
Student Drop off and Pickup:
Please see attachment below for our updated 22/23 arrival and dismissal map:
Reminder: Please do not park in our bus zones on Mayhew Canyon Rd during school drop off and pick up times. This yellow zone is reserved for BUSES ONLY.
Also, please do not utilize our staff parking lot to drop off students. For safety purposes, we ask that you please drive through the loop for drop off.
Todd Elementary Needs You!
Are you interested in volunteering at our school?
Please stop by the table near the food trucks on Parent Information Night at 5:00pm to learn about classroom volunteers, Toucan Troops, and 100 Mile Club volunteer opportunities.
Join our PTA! Click on the link below for membership information:
Membership flyer 2022 (1).pdf
Parent Volunteer Information:
Classroom Volunteers: Prior to gaining access to the classroom, volunteers must adhere to the District's COVID-19 safety protocols by completing the steps shown below. Forms can be requested in the front office or downloaded from the District's website under the 'Parents' section. Additional information and protocols as they relate to parents on campus are listed below:
- First, communicate with your teacher that you'd like to be a volunteer
- Any family members are welcome
- Two forms are required to be completed, Volunteer application and COVID-19 Safety Protocols. These forms are available on the district website or in the front office
- Every volunteer must be fingerprinted at a place of your choice if you will be volunteering over 4 hours per week or attending field trips
- Negative TB Test is required for every volunteer
- Every volunteer will need to be temperature checked each day and must be signed in by front office staff
Please click on the link below for more details from the district website.
Medication Drop Off
Medication drop off will begin on Monday, August 8th. Every medication at school will need a new medication authorization form filled out by your student's doctor AND signed by parent. **If you are submitting an electronic form provided by your doctor, a parent signature is still needed on the CNUSD form.**
Authorization for Medication At School.pdf
School Site Council
We are requesting parent nominations for our School Site Council ballot. If you are interested in placing your name on the School Site Council parent ballot, please complete the survey in the link below:
What is the School Site Council?
The School Site Council monitors school programs, activities and instructional practices that support the core curriculum. The council also develops a school plan for using supplemental resources that address the academic needs of students with the goal of improving student academic success.
Who are the School Site Council Members?
The council consists of an equal number of school personnel and parent representatives. The membership is composed of:
1-Principal 3-ClassroomTeachers 1-Other Staff Member 5-Parents
How long do parent members serve on the School Site Council?
All members serve a two-year term.
How often does the School Site Council meet?
The School Site Council meets the third Tuesday of the month from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. in the Room 20 across from the school library. The first meeting is scheduled for September 14.
How is the School Site Council selected?
Membership on SSC is by election. Parents and staff members are selected by their peers using an election by ballot process.
Please log on to your Parent Connect account to complete the online registration for all students.
Here is the direct link to Parent Connect:
Great news...there is now a MOBILE APP! Click on this link to find out more information:
(This app will also allow you to check grades, activities, attendance, and more!)
- You no longer need to call the school to reset your Parent pin or password. You can now select NEED YOUR LOG IN INFORMATION link on Parent Connect.
- Please ensure that emails are not duplicated in Parent Connect accounts. Each parent/guardian must have their own individual email. No family emails.
- There can also be no duplicate information between primary contact and emergency contacts.
SpeakUp for Safety
CNUSD families, as an ongoing support to our commitment to safe schools for all, we are excited to announce the launch of a new SpeakUp for Safety tipline that will allow students to easily and confidentially report threats of violence, bullying, peers in crisis, and other imminent concerns that affect students’ well-being and security.
The SpeakUp for Safety tipline will be continually monitored by safety professionals, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year long. Non-life-threatening tips will be quickly routed to designated school or district staff members, and in severe situations, district-appointed contacts will be immediately notified to take action. In the most urgent cases in which a student is in immediate danger and representatives are unable to notify a district-appointed contact, law enforcement will be contacted to intervene.
CNUSD SpeakUp for Safety tipline can be called or text at 951-589-0600 or emailed to [email protected]
If you have moved or are transferring your student to a different school outside of CNUSD, you must email Maria Costello, [email protected], the following information:
- Student's Name
- New forwarding mailing address
- Name of new school
- Last day student will be attending Todd
- Date student will be starting at new school
All devices (Chromebooks, chargers & MiFi), library books and textbooks need to be returned to the office on or before their last day. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to reach out to our office staff.
Dress Code Policy
As a reminder, flip flops are not to be worn to school. Students must wear closed toed shoes or sandals with a strap on back while on campus for their safety.
Birthday Treats in Class
As a reminder, due to the many allergies and special diets of some of our Toucans, treats and snacks are not allowed for birthday celebrations. Feel free to send a non-food goodie bag that can be handed out at the end of the day.
Traffic Law Reminders:
Please adhere to all traffic laws at all times for the safety of our students.
- Families are recommended to take temperatures daily before going to school. Anyone with a fever of 100° F or higher should not go to a school site. Personal illness, quarantine, and COVID-19 illness or symptom related absences will be excused.
Parents/students and staff will self screen for respiratory symptoms, cough, shortness of breath, new loss of smell/taste, sore throat, fatigue, headache, stomach ache, nasal congestion/runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, or poor eating/appetite prior to coming to school each day. Students and staff experiencing those symptoms should stay home.
- Please visit our district for most current COVID-19 protocols
Friendly reminder, when calling in to report absences:
After dialing our main line (951) 736-7035, press option # 1 to be directed to our attendance line to speak with someone or to leave a message. Thank you for your support.
Friendly reminder regarding TK PM drop off:
Please do not leave your car unattended or parked in the parking lot loop for drop off. If you would like to park and walk your child up, please park outside of the loop so other families can pull through. Thank you for your cooperation.
Late Arrivals:
Please be aware that 8:15 am is the late bell for Elementary students. Thank you for your support.
Update on student item(s) drop-off procedure:
Our Todd Elementary Staff is always finding ways to best serve our Toucans! If the drop-off item is medically necessary or eye glasses, we will make sure to get these items to the student. For items such as homework, lunches, chromebooks, water bottles etc, in order to preserve instructional time, we are unable to interrupt the class. Please let your child know that you will be bringing the item OR make it a practice that if they are missing something to always come up and check the drop off table in the office. Thank you for understanding and support.
Attention Families:
For the safety of our Toucans, staff and families, dogs are not allowed on our campus when dropping off or picking up your student(s).
Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Videos:
Please click on the links below to review the CNUSD's Bicycle and Pedestrian Videos for student safety. - Parents - Students
Safety Guidelines:
Please review the following information which outlines our district safety guidelines and addresses common questions:
CNUSD 20-21 School Year FAQ Page:
CNUSD School Opening and Safety Plan:
Stay Connected!
Todd Elementary Facebook: CNUSD Todd Elementary Facebook
Todd Elementary Instagram: CNUSD Todd Elementary Instagram
Todd Elementary Website: