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Ebooks at the Corona Public LIbrary

Checking out Ebooks from the Corona Public Library

I personally love to check out Ebooks from the Corona Public Library (CPL). They have a wide selection for kids and adults alike and their selection is always growing and they are constantly improving their website to make it more user friendly. You can check out up to 5 books at a time for 7, 14, or 21 days and can always return a book early once you've finished reading it. If there is a book you like but is already checked out you can be put on a waiting list and they will email you when it is available.

To use their system you will need a library card and a password. Usually they use the last 4 digits of your phone number on file, if that does not work you will need to contact CPL to see what your password is.

- Log in on the right side of the page

- Click HOME

- Click DOWNLOAD EBOOKS (OVERDRIVE) located on the right

- You can search: * page by page

* CLick ADVANCED SEARCH at the top right and put in the title or author

* Click on one of the search navigation categories at the top

Some things to keep in mind:

- Not all books are downloadable, you'll need wi-fi to read the book

- When you are checking out the book you need to select the number of weeks you want to keep the book

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