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Reading on your iPad

Our Todd library is preparing to incorporate ebooks into our catalog of books. However, like our regular library books, it always comes down to funding, so they will be limited. In the meantime, I found some great, free apps for those of you that have ipads and an itunes account.

We have a lot of great readers at our school and I found an app that has thousands of free classics. The YOUNGER READERS and ENGLISH 101 tabs are particularly good and appropriate. I've also noticed that many of our students like reading books from the Wizard of Oz series by Frankl L. Baum. If you click on the search icon and type in Baum for author, there are many of his books that we do not have in our library. The students can still take AR tests on these books, just visit to find the AR level and point value. When several varieties of the same book are available these will always be the unabridged version of the title.

**On this app, some titles do have the option to have it read to you, you might want to make sure your student does not choose that option.

For our younger readers there is an interactive book that they can read or have it read to them. Once you download this book there is a shelf of others stories that are still free and can be downloaded. This one is just for a fun storytime, no AR tests are available for them.

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